Who Can Be A Leader?

Who can be a leader? Leadership is a skill and psychology that can be cultivated and expanded over time.

Any person willing to do the personal development work will stand out and find out that there are ample leadership opportunities throughout life. 

You must be willing to work on yourself in order to be that person who can influence and lead others.

Anyone Can Be A Leader - The Question Is Will They?

History and a lack of clarity in business environments between leadership and management has led to a misconception that people appointed to management roles are leaders by default, hence the use of ambiguous language such as ‘leadership position’.

There is an underlying expectation that those appointed to those roles will lead effectively without necessarily developing the skills or being coached or mentored.

A Promotion Doesn't Make A Leader

In the past many people were appointed to roles that were responsible for others (from team leader to C suite roles) because of their professional credentials and experience, eg the best software developer was promoted to be the manager of the development department.

Responsibility for organisation, team integration and alignment of people is NOT the same as creating incredible software.

Leadership Is Learned & Earned

This was further complicated by cultural and systemic recognition that management roles were the route to higher rewards and benefits and progression.

With the need for distributed leadership arising from an increased pace and scope of change, opportunities for leadership are expanding, even in small to medium firms.       

You Don't Need A Title To Be A Leader

Enlightened businesses are redefining and decoupling role titles, rewards and skill requirements because teams contribute a great deal more than individuals.  Effective leadership releases collective value.

You don't need a title to be a leader.

Develop More & Better Leaders

The goal of the Business Leaders Roundtable is to develop more and better leaders for the times and challenges ahead. It pays to prepare ahead of time! 

Leadership Topics

What is leadership?

Leadership is an often used and rarely well defined term. Discover what leadership is, what it is not and some of the latest thinking on leadership. More 

Why is leadership important?

Leadership is a broad term. Let's delve into why effective leadership is important and how it harnesses the collective power of people to achieve something of value. More

what makes a good, great or excellent leader?

How can you judge whether a leader is good, great or excellent when there are so many factors and scenarios? Discover what goes into making an exemplary leader

what is leadership development?

Developing leadership is an ongoing quest, not a one-time course or learning. It requires continuing focus, commitment to improvement and for the best implementation support from others. Learn what leadership development is and how it can be best facilitated. More

who can be a leader?

There are many misconceptions about who and what leaders are. Explore the realities about who can be a leader in our changing world. More
