The Business Leaders Roundtable

The Business Leaders Roundtable is where business leaders meet to focus on developing and expanding their leadership capabilities, mindsets and roles in their businesses.

They recognise that their effectiveness as a leader will have a strong bearing on the effectiveness of the people they lead and the results of the organisations they manage.

Business Leaders Roundtable where business leaders meet to focus on developing and expanding their leadership capabilities, mindsets and roles in their businesses.

In business, a person who is responsible for other people's performance and conduct is expected to know what it means to lead them.

  • Is that a natural talent?
  • Is that a skill?
  • Is that something you've been taught?
  • How prepared are you?

Effective leaders ultimately take responsibility for their own development and while some organisations may be supportive, they rarely develop it.

Real leaders also develop other leaders.

Leadership is a responsibility and a privilege that starts with one's self and expands outwards to others.

Leaders care to improve themselves instead of proving themselves.

Our roundtable approach embraces equality, trustworthiness and unity. 

A safe place to challenge, learn and grow with likeminded people.

Context is Decisive

Business is the universal engine that powers economies, communities, families and governments. It is the primary vehicle for exchanging value between people and providing many other kinds of resources that create the fabric of our lives. Without it, our way of life would be significantly different. 

Being at the core of our society, it stands to reason business leadership qualities, standards and development are vital to the wellbeing of our current and future generations - to our children and grandchildren. This is more important today than it has ever been.

Besides being vital to our wellbeing, there is a growing movement in society to demand more of business leaders - to broaden their leadership roles and responsibility, regardless of the size of the business. This expectation has arisen out of:

  • institutions and their appointed leaders falling well short of providing the leadership expected of them, and
  • a shift in social values and norms aided by instant access to abundant sources of information which allow people to question and shift perspectives very quickly

Business is in fact the most aligned, capable and motivated group in every society that responds effectively to the needs of the people it serves or it discovers very quickly that it is out of step.   

Business Leader's Roundtable is an Australian organisation that is assisting and collaborating with businesses to build leadership qualities, mindsets and capabilities within participating businesses and beyond. 

Leadership Qualities Are Not Gained In A Day

Getting Started

The future is being shaped today.

We need strong effective leaders in businesses everywhere to create a better world than we inherited. Is that who you identify as?

Join a roundtable group today to focus on your journey ahead.

You don't need to wait until you feel deserving, you just need to get started.        

Leadership qualities are not gained in a day.

It is a process that develops and lasts throughout your career and is embodied in your way of life.

We focus on creating an engaging, practical, collaborative and down to earth experience (with some cross training).

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Leaders
  • Business Owners
  • Executives
  • Managers
  • Professionals

 Who We Are 

Andrew Rettie

As founder of Business Leaders Roundtable, Andrew Rettie is passionate about expanding and transforming leadership in businesses of all sizes and ultimately within society.

Our times are calling for greater levels of responsibility and more principled leadership. We need strong people to lift standards and expand our models of care from the few to the many, including our life sustaining ecology. As our environment continues to change and grow in complexity the  importance of our connections and interdependence increases. The way people relate to one another and work together is vital for our collective futures.    

For more than 40 years Andrew Rettie has been working across diverse businesses, influencing and shaping their cultures for performance and sustainability, as a senior executive, consultant and advisor.

Never losing sight of the fact that business is by people for people, Andrew has found the essence of a great business and place to work, is a sustainable and high performing culture. This always came down to the quality of the leadership. If you have ever experienced being part of a great team, you’ll understand what that feels like – high energy, flow, trust, cohesive teamwork, stimulating work and great results. It doesn’t happen by accident.

Why not make it happen for you?

Andrew is Chair of the Growth in Leadership program.

Andrew is a FCPA, Member of International Coaching Federation, Certified Team Coach, Accredited Being Profile Practitioner, CPA Mentor and an International Best-Selling Author  

Follow him and Business Leaders Roundtable at LinkedIn.


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